We praise the Jensens, but what where they priced, when they came out of the factory.
And what would that mean for a price in todays prices?
A difficult question, but in time, we'll try to give you an approximatly answer.
First the prices when the cars where new.
Source: The book 'Jensen Interceptor Mks I, II, III & IV, SP and FF' by Mike Taylor. (Courtesy: Haynes)
Secondhand dreams - pricing of classic cars
Norwegian pricing now! Norsk prising nå!
ModelYear, newUK list price as new C-V8 MK III1965£ 3491 Interceptor MK I1966£ 3743 Interceptor MK II1969£ 5198 Interceptor SP1971£ 6977 Interceptor FF1968£ 6017 Interceptor FF MK II1970£ 7705 Interceptor Convert.1974£ 9683 Intecerptor Coupé1976£ 11758 Source: The book 'Jensen Interceptor Mks I, II, III & IV, SP and FF' by Mike Taylor.
(Courtesy: Haynes)
Secondhand dreams - pricing of classic cars
A Jensen Interceptor 1975-pricing
(Click on the picture to see page in full size.)
The colour range for a Jensen Interceptor.
These are ultra rare as there was only a few produced with all the colours.
The car colour chart contains a transparent Interceptor that can be rotated over the selected colour to give you an idead of what the car would look like with that colour.
The Jensen Heritage Trust have never ever seen another one of these in the history of collecting Jensen stuff over the last 20 years.
We praise the Jensens, but what where they priced, when they came out of the factory.
And what would that mean for a price in todays prices?
A difficult question, but in time, we'll try to give you an approximatly answer.
First the prices when the cars where new.
Source: The book 'Jensen Interceptor Mks I, II, III & IV, SP and FF' by Mike Taylor. (Courtesy: Haynes)
Secondhand dreams - pricing of classic cars
Norwegian pricing now! Norsk prising nå!
ModelYear, newUK list price as new C-V8 MK III1965£ 3491 Interceptor MK I1966£ 3743 Interceptor MK II1969£ 5198 Interceptor SP1971£ 6977 Interceptor FF1968£ 6017 Interceptor FF MK II1970£ 7705 Interceptor Convert.1974£ 9683 Intecerptor Coupé1976£ 11758 Source: The book 'Jensen Interceptor Mks I, II, III & IV, SP and FF' by Mike Taylor.
(Courtesy: Haynes)
Secondhand dreams - pricing of classic cars
A Jensen Interceptor 1975-pricing
(Click on the picture to see page in full size.)
The colour range for a Jensen Interceptor.
These are ultra rare as there was only a few produced with all the colours.
The car colour chart contains a transparent Interceptor that can be rotated over the selected colour to give you an idead of what the car would look like with that colour.
The Jensen Heritage Trust have never ever seen another one of these in the history of collecting Jensen stuff over the last 20 years.